Author: Nikhail

The Final Girls

An original screenplay which delves into the cliche horror genre; I could watch this movie more than once. Part fantasy, part horror, mainly comedy – The Final Girls is about Max, a young girl dealing with the passing her of Mother, a renowned Scream Queen. When it’s the anniversary of her mother’s death, Max attends a film screening, where a fire erupts causing her and her friends to cut a whole through the screen to exit. They end up entering Camp Bloodbath, the movie they were watching where the only way out is to finish the film, which resembles a teen horror Groundhog Day scenario. The teens at the Camp are exaggerated stereotypes of characters we see in films like Friday the 13th. The satire definitely works as well as the more poignant moments when Max reconnects with her fictional Mother. The film also uses a variety of elements visually and audibly that the characters respond to, making it a kind of art parody. My only criticism is whilst the story progresses, we learn of the generic horror …

Marigold and Ginger Herb Tea

Delectable and fragrant this tea feels like ginger combed in honey. It’s warm, golden hue continues to resonate inside you once sipped, easing digestion and other stomach worries. The marigold is overpowering, taking away from the usually strong spice that it’s infused with. This tea can simply be made at home so long as you have the right ingredients and boiling hot water. It’s savoire faire so you’ll be licking you lips to taste every last drop. Sweetness never came so divine, as this which is worth it’s weight in gold.

Rooibos Creme Caramel

This rooibos mixture will definitely spoil your senses. It is a red tea blended with creme and caramel giving you the ideal post-meal indulgence. Smooth and velvety, you’ll feel like this is a perfect dessert without all those calories. Rooibos is also known for improving your skin quality making this a must-have on a weekly basis, if not more often. It also induces weight-loss and is full of anti-oxidants, a pleasure for those seeking a tea delight. The warm caramel also keeps you toasty inside, so you’ll have that feeling of it being Christmas everyday. Best for movies family/comedy/drama/romance

Cartel Land

The situation is bad. It always is when we’re dealing with drugs, human trafficking and extortion. When I switched this on, I was expecting the cinematic thrill similar to that of Narcos the Netflix series but the two couldn’t be any more different in certain lights. Cartel Land feels too real to believe.  Opening with a misty dark backdrop of Meth fumes, we are introduced to the dealers who cook because there’s nothing else they can do to escape their life of poverty. We then cross over to the American vigilantes patrolling the Arizona border, attempting to put an end to the passage of drugs. When they find out of a group called the Autodefensas that are inflicting their own justice on the cartels, the vigilante’s focus shifts to south of the border. The Autodefensas strive to help the people take back their dignity and safety. However, the battle is not one without much casualty and tragedy. The cartels are brutal, murdering women and children in mass numbers and corrupt police turn a blind eye …

Island of Lost Souls (1932)

A scientist obsessed by evolution struggles to control the half-human creatures he has bred from wild animals. DR MOREAU What is the law? SAYER OF THE LAW Not to eat meat, that is the law. Are we not men? BEASTS Are we not men? DR MOREAU What is the law? SAYER OF THE LAW Not to go on all fours, that is the law. Are we not men? BEASTS Are we not men? DR MOREAU What is the law? SAYER OF THE LAW Not to spill blood, that is the law. Are we not men? BEASTS Are we not men?

Wild Berry

A sweet purple tea loaded with anti-oxidants make this blend one of those more health conscious options. It’s caffeine free making it perfect for a nightcap. The only concern is indeed it’s sweetness which makes big gulps hard to swallow. It is best sipped to avoid overloading your tastebuds with it’s strong flavor. Sometimes it seems like a cough medicine without the added effects of drowsiness. Not my favorite tea, but it makes a good switch up from regular green and herbal blends. Best for movies Thriller/LGBT/Horror/Sci-Fi

Much Ado About Nothing

At first I found this Josh Whedon modern version to the classical shakespearean play, a very strange and interesting commodity. The essence of the original play still exists, with a family visit to the Governor of Messina where ploys are constructed to push together Beatice and Benedick while also pulling apart Hero and Claudio. The film is shot in black and while, and despite being ‘modern’ it is spoken in Shakespearean English, all giving it a sense of fantasy. While the story is captivating, its obscurity comes from the fact that the characters are expressing themselves in an old fashioned way while maintaining the whims, gestures and enunciation of the modern era. It undermines the film and only works as we move from the first act onwards and the story becomes illuminated by the nonchalant characterization. Perhaps it’s just because we end up soaking in it.  For a romantic comedy it is indeed cute and at times sexy. Our villain is dangerous and emulates power hungry corporate figures we see today that are depraved with a sense …